◆ 추천레코드
2018년 빈 필하모닉 신년음악회 (Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2018) - Riccardo Muti, cond (Sony Classical)◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2018. 1. 3. 12:06
Riccardo Muti, cond (Sony Classical) New Year's Concert Vienna 2018 / Wiener Philharmoniker * Part I (1부 시작 1번곡 부터 4번곡 까지)<Johann Strauss, Jr.(요한 슈트라우스 주니어 : 2세)>1. Einzugsmarsch aus der Operette 'Der Zigeunerbaron' (오페레타 집시남작중 입장 행진곡)<Josef Strauss (조제프 슈트라우스 : 2세 동생)>2. ..
French Pianist Goes Wild in German Chorale◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2017. 12. 27. 09:25
French Pianist Goes Wild in German Chorale As a combination of supreme musicianship and Seasonal Celebrations, what would be more suitable than a traditional German Lutheran Chorale in the hands of the sensational French pianist Lucas Debargue, who is also known as an outstanding improviser and composer? 최고의 음악가와 계절에 따른 연주가들의 조합으로, 선..
A Glimmering Christmas Celebration from Kennedy Center◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Jazz 2017. 12. 21. 09:16
A Glimmering Christmas Celebration from Kennedy Center A wonderous pianistic display of female artists and piano jazz styles, NPR presents A Jazz Piano Christmas (<< 클릭해서 들어보세요)– the annual holiday tradition featuring four celebrated jazz pianists performing their favorite seasonal music. 여성 가수들과 피아노 재즈 스타일의 환상적..