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R. Schumann - Myrthen, Op. 25 no 3 der Nussbaum (미르테의 꽃 Op. 25/3)'호두나무' ~ Miah Persson(sop)◆ 청취자세상/┗⌒회원자료 2012. 11. 22. 18:59
R. Schumann (1810 - 1856) Myrthen, Op. 25 no 3 der Nussbaum '호두나무' Es grünet ein Nußbaum vor dem Haus, Du fig, lufig breitet er blattrig di Äste aus. Viel liebliche Blüten stehen dran; Linde Winde kommen, sie herzlich zu umfahn. Es flüstern je zwei gepaart, Neigend, beugend zierlich zum Kusse die Häuptchen zart. Sie flustern von einem Mä..
Leos Janacek - 5개의 모라비안 댄스 (Moravian Dances (5)) ~ Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra (Antoni Wit, cond)◆ 청취자세상/┗⌒회원자료 2012. 11. 21. 12:48
LEOS JANACEK (1854~1928) Moravian Dances (5) for Orchestra 1,2,3,4,5.....순으로 연속듣기 No. 1. Kozich (Fur Coat) 3'04 No. 2. Kalamajka 0'52 No. 3. Trojky (Threes) 2,07 No. 4. Silnice (Road) 2'07 No. 5. Rozek (Little Corner) 1'33 작곡가 ‘레오 야나첵’의 대표적인 관현악 걸작인 ‘타라스 불바 는 우리에게 익숙한 ‘고골’의 소설 ‘..
Giuseppe Tartini - Violin Concerto in A minor, D. 113 (바이올린 협주곡 A단조 D.113) - Uto Ughi(vn)◆ 청취자세상/┗⌒회원자료 2012. 11. 19. 21:31
Giuseppe Tartini Violin Concerto in A minor, D. 113 1,2,3....순으로 연속듣기 1. Allegro 5'48 2. Grave 4'32 3. Allegro 5'39 피렌체 태생의 타르티니는 파도바 대학에서 법률을 공부한 뒤 1713년 자기 제자 엘리자베타 프레마초네와 결혼하였으나 그녀의 보호자이던 추기경(樞機卿)의 노여움을 사 한때 아시시의 수..
Maurizio Pollini’s Chopin Etudes Astonish 50 Years Later◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2012. 11. 17. 03:27
Why did we have had to wait over fifty years for this unique recording? Maurizio Pollini withheld his permission for his first complete recording of the Chopin Etudes Opp. 10 & 25 to be released. While the legendary DG recording from the 1970s has long been acknowledged as one of the finest versions of the Chopin Etudes, the previously unissued version from Abbey Road Studios ..
Verbier Festival 2011 on Medici.tv◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2012. 11. 17. 03:08
The Verbier Festival is considered as one of the most important European festivals. Every July, the greatest names of classical music gather during two weeks, among the wonderful landscape of the Swiss Alps for an exceptional concert series. Khatia Buniatchvili The festival gives the artists the opportunity to perform original programmes with other musicians that they admire a..