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Two New Mozart Piano Pieces Discovered◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2012. 6. 17. 16:25
The International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg has announced it has discovered two previously unknown compositions written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. “The Department of Research at the International Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg has identified two works, which have long been in the possession of the Foundation, as compositions of the young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,” th..
British Excellence in New Tansman Piano Music Release◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2012. 6. 17. 16:15
Chandos has been attentive in promoting the orchestral works of Alexandre Tansman, who due to the vagaries of fashion has to a great extent been ignored. They now embark on the piano music and a deeply personal project for soloist Margaret Fingerhut. Listen to samples from the new album “Tansman: Piano Works” at Amazon.com “My curiosity about the piano music of Tansman b..
Goldberg Variations by Bach – New Urtext Piano Sheet Music◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2012. 6. 17. 16:12
***FREE SHEET MUSIC SAMPLE*** Have a look at the FREE sheet music sample of the Aria and Variation 1 while listening to Murray Perahia playing the first part of this work. The relentlessly intricate architecture of the Goldberg Variations still engage scholars after hundreds of years, while the soothing, noble poetry and formidable technical demands of the piece continue to ca..
Jean-Philippe Rameau / Pieces de Clavecin, E minor (BookⅡ-1) - Angela Hewitt(p)◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒PM Classic 2012. 6. 15. 09:47
장 필립 라모. 클라브생곡집 2권. 모음곡 1 장 필립 라모의 클라브생 작품은 총 50여곡으로서,세 권의 작품집[1권(1 모음곡).1706년, 2권(2 모음곡) 1724년, 3권(2 모음곡) 1726년-1730년]으로 구성되어 있으며, 이들은 1706년에서 1731년 사이에 파리에서 출판되었다. 각각의 작품집은 1-2개의 모음곡으..
Chopin / Grand Rondeau de Concert 'Krakowiak' in F major, Op.14 - Claudio Arrau(p), Eliahu Inbal(cond), London Phil◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒PM Classic 2012. 6. 15. 09:39
연주회용 론도 '크라코비아크' F장조, Op.14 쇼팽이 바르샤뱌로 진출하기 전, 당시 바르샤바에서 크게 유행하던, 피아니스트가 관현악과 함께 화려한 테크닉을 과시하는 스타일의 작품양식의 영향 아래 씌여진 작품의 하나이다. 당시의 작품양식의 영향을 받았지만 단순한 모방이 아니라 ..
Rachmaninov / Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor, Op.18 - Boris Berezovsky(pf), Dmitri Liss(cond), Orchestre Philharmonique de l'Oural◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒PM Classic 2012. 6. 15. 09:32
라흐마니노프. 피아노 협주곡 제2번 c단조, Op.18 라흐마니노프(Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff(Rachmaninov), 1873~1943)의 피아노 협주곡 2번. 첫 부분의 피아노 터치가 인상적인 곡이다. 이 부분은 크렘린의 종소리'라는 별명을 가지고 있는데, 그만큼 장중하고 아름답다. 누가 들어도 단번에 러시아적..
Mitsuko Uchida: Pianist-In-Residence◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2012. 6. 15. 05:30
“Mitsuko Uchido is one of perhaps just a handful of classical pianists whose work can justifiably be mentioned alongside the great players of the past – Rachmaninov, Schnabel, Cortot, Michelangeli.” (ABC Radio National, Australia) This season, Uchida is artist-in-residence with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Her residency includes performances of Schumann’s Pia..
Cliburn Competition 2009 – Repertoire List◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2012. 6. 15. 05:22
Cliburn Competition 2009 – Repertoire List June 8th, 2009 The 2009 edition of the Van Cliburn Piano Competition has now come to an end. Those of you who have been following the competition’s live webcasts have been able to enjoy an extensive amount of interesting performances of great piano music. If you haven’t been watching, the great news is that all performances ..