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Donizetti - La favorita (Act1) Fernando's aria '천사와 같은 처녀(Una vergine, un angel di Dio)'◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Classical Vocal 2012. 5. 20. 14:51
Donizetti La favorita (Act1) Fernando's aria Una vergine, un angel di Dio 천사와 같은 처녀 <제1막> 성 자코모 수도원의 회랑 수도사들이 기도를하고 합창을 부르며 안으로 들어간다. 수도원장인 발다사레는 아들인 젊은 수도사 페르난도로부터 사랑에 빠져버렸다는 고백을 듣는다 페르난도는 어느 ..
Beethoven / Trio for Piano, Violin & Cello No.7 in Bb major, Op.97 'Archduke'(피아노 삼중주 7번 Bb 장조 작품 97 '대공') - Cadenzas by Kreisl◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Classic 2012. 5. 17. 15:14
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827 G) 의 피아노 삼중주 7번 Bb 장조 작품 97 '대공' Trio for Piano, Violin & Cello No.7 in Bb major, Op.97 'Archduke' (Cadenzas by Kreisler) 를 감상하겠습니다. 악성 베토벤은 고전 음악의 최대의 완성자인 동시에 그 완전한 형식적인 예술에 보다 인간적이고 정신적인 내용을 담은 위대한..
Cinematic Piano Music by Marc Enfroy◆동영상(Video)/┗⌒New Age 2012. 5. 15. 18:12
New Age pianist Marc Enfroy Cinematic music made for the movie industry is in a class of its own, providing charm and realism in which ingenious music compositions become an inherent part of the film itself. With the right touch, cinematic music scores and movie soundtracks can create vibrant memories thru association, and bring the movie’s film characters to life. UNCONDITIO..
Music of Titanic – Tribute by Steve Orchard◆동영상(Video)/┗⌒New Age 2012. 5. 15. 17:58
Undersail by Steve Orchard –Tribute Music to Titanic With the 100 year anniversary of the RMS Titanic launch and foundering approaching, it is only natural Steve Orchard’s tribute music to Titanic called Undersail, is an interesting collection of new songs to sample. Once I began listening to the 12 tribute songs based on the legendary ocean liner Titanic, it didn’t ..
Yanni: 2012 Live at El Morro, Puerto Rico◆동영상(Video)/┗⌒New Age 2012. 5. 15. 17:52
Yanni-Live at El Morro on CD & DVD is the newest concert music for fans of the international concert artist Yanni, and his sensational orchestra, who are a select group of the best artists in the world. The new Yanni-Live at El Morro DVD and CD, his 10th televised live concert on PBS, will soon be released on April 17, 2012. I have a pre-release concert review for Yanni-Live a..
Gandalf & Steve Hackett – Live Concert◆동영상(Video)/┗⌒New Age 2012. 5. 15. 17:41
Gallery Of Dreams – Plus Live featuring Steve Hackett is the title of Gandalf’s 3 CD Anniversary Edition of progressive instrumental music featuring former Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett. An album and concert review of their 3 CD Anniversary Edition will be ready before “Earth Day.” Until then, here is a song video of Face In The Mirror. The first CD is an origina..