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>>> 음악신청 (바로가기 ☞ 이미지클릭)카테고리 없음 2009. 12. 18. 17:20
방송국/타이틀:...* KMSTUDIO *... (( ( New Age, Classic, Easy Listening Instrumental, Contemporary...from KOREA ) )) 현재곡명: Ferdinand Ries - Piano Concero in C sharp Op.55 -3 Rondo allegretto ...::: DJ.Pulmi :::... kmfm.fu.to/listen.pls 방송진행:Pulmi 방송장르:Classical,New Age,Jazz,Easy Listening,Instrumental 청취자수:200 / 2200 명 장르:New Age, Classic, E..
>>> 방송시간표카테고리 없음 2009. 12. 18. 17:16
Weekly Schedule T \ D Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 04:00 ~06:00 Oldman Pulmi Oldman Pulmi Oldman Pulmi Pulmi -6:00 ~07:30 Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower Abyss Abyss 07:30 ~09:00 Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower Abyss Abyss 09:00 ~12:00 Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower Abyss Abyss 12:00 ~14:00 Abyss Abyss Abyss Abyss Abyss Abyss Abyss 14:00 ~15:00 Montmartre Montmartre Montmartre Montmar..
>>> 청취방법카테고리 없음 2009. 12. 18. 17:10
Listen, Your Choice ~~ ! Thank you for listening to KMStudio ! We added the cast servers.... The servers are " http://cast.geopia.com:8380/listen.pls " " http://kmstudio.saycast.com/listen.pls " " mms://AM98.5Mhz.net " When you connect to the " http://cast.geopia.com:8380/listen.pls ", you can listen to the KMStudio music any time even if the server IPs are changed to others ... 【 http://121.8..