
  • Yunchan Lim, 임윤찬 , 2022 Cliburn Gold Medalist
    ◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2022. 6. 24. 05:04
    The final round of the postponed Van Cliburn Competition 2021 kicks off today. The six finalists perform two concertos each with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Marin Alsop.
    연기된 밴 클라이번 대회 2021 결승전이 오늘 막을 올린다. 결승 진출자 6명은 마린 알솝의 지휘 아래 포트워스 심포니 오케스트라와 각각 2개의 협주곡을 연주한다.

    Winning the first Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow at the height of the Cold War in 1958 brought Van Cliburn unprecedented celebrity for an American concert pianist. Cliburn’s international victory instilled a fresh sense of artistic pride in many Americans, while opening the door to a new era of cultural relations between East and West.

    The competition has moved into the 21st century. Building on a rich tradition that began with its 1962 origins in honor of Van Cliburn and his vision for using music to serve audiences and break down boundaries, the Cliburn seeks, with each edition, to achieve the highest artistic standards while utilizing contemporary tools to advance its reach.

    The world’s top 18- to 30-year-old pianists compete for gold in front of a live audience in Fort Worth, Texas, as well as a global online viewership of over 10 million.

    세계 최고의 18세에서 30세 사이의 피아니스트들이 텍사스 포트워스의 라이브 관객들 앞에서 금메달을 놓고 경쟁하고,

    천만 명이 넘는 전세계 온라인 시청률도 겨룬다.

    The medal winners receive something greater than mere monetary prizes. As in competitions past, the three medalists also receive a comprehensive and personalized career management package, to include three years of concert bookings, artistic planning mentorship, traditional and social media training, logistics support, and tax and financial planning guidance, as well as commercial recording releases and a complete promotional package.

    The Cliburn Competition is one of the few musical events in the world to arrange for competitors to stay with host families,
    often resulting in close, long-term relationships: this has resulted in southern hospitality becoming a singular trademark of the Cliburn Competition.

    This year, the Van Cliburn has dispensed with its chamber music requirement. Some would have liked to see it kept with an expanded repertoire, but there’s no guarantee that all the contestants wouldn’t have chosen the same Schumann and Dvořák piano quintets as always. Instead, the semi-finalists give a one-hour recital and play a Mozart concerto, a requirement that was part of the final round in 2017.

    The CEO of the Cliburn Foundation, Jacques Marquis, said then that he is a big fan of classical concertos. Particularly with Mozart, where there is no place to hide. Beethoven concertos were judged to be romantic rather than classical, so they were limited to the more bombastic final rounds where two concertos are performed by each competitor.

    클라이번 콩쿠르는 경쟁자들이 호스트 패밀리와 함께 머물도록 주선하는 세계에서 몇 안 되는 음악 행사 중 하나로, 
    종종 긴밀하고 장기적인 관계를 맺는다.
    올해, 밴 클라이번은 실내악 요구 사항을 없앴다. 어떤 사람들은 이 피아노가 확장된 레퍼토리로 유지되기를 원했지만, 
    모든 참가자들이 언제나처럼 같은 슈만과 드보샤크 피아노 5중주를 선택하지 않았을 것이라는 보장은 없다. 
    대신, 준결승 진출자들은 한 시간 동안 리사이틀을 열고 2017년 결승전의 일부였던 모차르트 협주곡을 연주한다.

    The Finalists

    우크라이나, 러시아, 벨라루스, 한국, 미국에서 온 6명의 경쟁자들은 60분간의 리사이틀과 

    모차르트 피아노 협주곡을 포함한 준결승전을 통해 
    대회의 라이브 라운드에서 경쟁하기로 선택된 30명의 피아니스트들로부터 겨룬다.

    임윤찬, 대한민국, 18세
    드미트로 초니, 우크라이나, 28세
    안나 지니어스헨, 러시아, 31세
    울라지슬라우 칸도히, 벨라루스, 20세
    일리야 슈무클러, 러시아, 27세
    클레이튼 스티븐슨, 미국, 23세

    Hailing from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, South Korea and the United States, the six competitors, were whittled down from 30 pianists chosen to compete in the competition’s live rounds via a Semi-Final which included a 60-minute recital and a Mozart piano concerto.

    Dmytro Choni, Ukraine, 28
    Anna Geniushene, Russia, 31
    Uladzislau Khandohi, Belarus, 20
    Yunchan Lim, South Korea, 18
    Ilya Shmukler, Russia, 27
    Clayton Stephenson, United States, 23

    Live Webcast:
    The fully produced webcast will broadcast all 28 Competition performances live – as well as offer insightful commentary and behind-the-scenes access emulating a news- or sportscast – across multiple platforms. Viewers around the world can watch the entire Competition live and on demand at Cliburn.org, cliburn.medici.tv, and youtube.com/thecliburn.

    New this year: the Cliburn will be available in 4K HDR and surround sound. Viewers can subscribe at hyfi.live/vancliburn to experience the next best thing to being in the concert hall. The public can vote for its favorite competitor to receive the Carla and Kelly Thompson Audience Award presented by medici.tv, with a cash prize of $2,500 and special recognition at the Awards Ceremony on June 18. Vote once a day for your favorite candidate. Voting closes on June 18, 2022 at 6:10 PM CT.


    Competition video archive:


    News articles and resources:

    Star Telegram: Meet the 2022 Van Cliburn competitors

    NY Times: Russian and Ukrainian Pianists Meet in Texas at Cliburn Competition

    Gramophone: Jed Distler’s Cliburn Blog
    Yunchan Lim, 임윤찬 , 2022 Cliburn Gold Medalist
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