
  • Through Nupen’s Eyes: Young Legends Play Mozart
    ◆ 추천레코드/┗⌒Pianostreet 2019. 6. 3. 23:16

    On 11 March 1966, two great young pianists appeared together in public for the first time: Daniel Barenboim and Vladimir Ashkenazy played Mozart’s Concerto for two pianos at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon. Looking in the back mirror we realize the unique importance of this performance hi-lighting the two young pianists in the middle of building world famous careers.

    1966년 3월 11일, 두 명의 위대한 젊은 피아니스트가 처음으로 대중 앞에 함께 나타났다. 다니엘 바렌보임과 블라디미르 아슈케나지는 페어필드 홀 크로이돈에서 두 대의 피아노를 위해 모차르트의 협주곡을 연주했다. 백미러를 보면서 우리는 이 공연의 독특한 중요성을 깨닫는다. 이 공연은 세계적으로 유명한 경력을 쌓는 중간에 있는 두 젊은 피아니스트에게 하이라이트 였다.

    Enjoying the sound of their different personalities, it is easy to get captured by their cultivation, spontaneity and mastery of dialogue. By covering rehearsal and private situations, film maker Christopher Nupen manages to communicate a deeper understanding for the artists’ personalities when giving their voices in Mozart’s wonderful double concerto in E-flat major, a work originally written for Wolfgang himself and his sister Maria Anna.

    서로 다른 성격의 소리를 듣게되면, 그들의 연주기법, 즉흥성, 대화의 숙달성에 사로잡히기 쉽다. 영화 제작자인 크리스토퍼 누펜은 리허설과 사적인 상황을 다루면서, 원래 볼프강 자신과 그의 여동생 마리아 안나를 위해 쓰여진 모차르트의 멋진 이중 협주곡에서 그들의 소리를 낼 때 예술가들의 개성에 대해 더 깊은 이해를 할 수 있게 되었다.

    Barenboim, Ashkenazy: Double Concerto

    Documentary of 1966

    0:31 Workshop
    5:06 About Daniel Barenboim
    8:20 About Vladimir Ashkenazy
    10:20 First rehearsal
    16:55 First rehearsal with the Orchestra
    29:45 Barenboim conducts Mozart – Symphony No. 29
    32:58 Double Concerto, First movement
    43:14 Double Concerto, Second movement
    51:16 Double Concerto, Third movement

    Film Maker Christopher Nupen

    Renowned music film maker Christopher Nupen began his broadcasting career in the Features Department of BBC Radio when he made HIGH FESTIVAL IN SIENA in 1962 for the BBC Third Programme at the invitation of Laurence Gilliam, a radio documentary of a new kind about the extraordinary summer music school of the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, where Nupen studied with Andrés Segovia and Alirio Diaz.

    As a result of his radio programmes, he was invited by Huw Wheldon to move to television where he became the originator of a new kind of intimate classical music film – made possible for the first time by the invention of the first silent 16mm film cameras in the 1960s. His first film (DOUBLE CONCERTO) made in 1966, at the invitation of Huw Wheldon and David Attenborough with Vladimir Ashkenazy and Daniel Barenboim won two international prizes (Prague and Monte Carlo) and became a seminal work.

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